Environment, Social and Governance


Our commitment to ESG

We recognise the positive impact our modular buildings have on the built environment. We create modern sustainable spaces for people to thrive in whilst ensuring stainable growth, with offsite-reduced carbon construction.

Our commitment to our shared environment, society, and sustainable legacy is engrained in our culture.

Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and lean Energy
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life On Land
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent work and Economic Growth
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
Gender Equality
Decent work and Economic Growth
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnership For The Goals

Our Commitment to Nature

We’re committing to achieving a substantial reduction in emissions across our operations, production and installation processes by 2030 in line with the Irish Government’s Climate Action Plan. This will be supported by our own climate action plan to ensure transparency of our progress.

Managing Resources and Protecting Ecosystems

We will use systems that provide real-time consumption data, so we can further optimise performance, set low energy usage for operations, and help offset unavoidable emissions. For CPAC Modular this all starts with a circular design and build approach focused firmly on sustainability.


Inclusivity, Integrity and Transparency in all our Relationships

We commit to fostering a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion with our employees, suppliers, investors and with the local community. We will identify how we support, respect and celebrate individual differences, provide equal opportunities, minimise unconscious bias and operate in a fair and transparent manner.

Our community engagement strategy will focus on local community initiatives including development programs, charitable donations and employee volunteering programs.

Overall, we will endeavour to employ locally and support local suppliers with a dedicated minimum percentage of our annual materials spend.


Transparency, Disclosure and Stakeholder Engagement

We will provide annual insight reports to our many stakeholders in order to say constantly and consistently that we are doing the ‘right thing’.

Contact us today

Visit our production facility to see how we bring projcts to life

Our expert team can advise you on the best modular solution for your next building project
