16th September 2022

Think Beyond Expectations!

Think Beyond Expectations!

Think Beyond Expectations!
For our Terenure School project, we built upon recent project deliveries to significantly increase the utilisation of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).

Close collaboration with the client’s design team ensured high quality and high standards of Design for Manufacture & Assembly (DFMA) prior to going into our factory. MMC delivered efficiencies throughout the project, such as programme time savings, reduction in construction waste, reduction in material use, and a reduction in the projects overall carbon footprint leading to the highest quality finish, and ultimately a fully BCMS, NZEB, and BcAR compliant building.

Learn more about MMC Ireland: https://mmcireland.ie |https://www.linkedin.com/company/mmc-ireland/

Join the MMC Ireland community: https://mmcireland.ie/membership-form/

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